Setting Up a Custom Chain

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launchNodeAndGetWallets 方法允许您使用各种自定义启动本地 Fuel 节点。


  • chainConfig.json
  • stateCondig.json
  • metadata.json



const snapshotDir = path.join(cwd(), '.fuel-core/configs');
const { stop, provider } = await launchNodeAndGetWallets({
  launchNodeOptions: {
    args: ['--snapshot', snapshotDir],
    loggingEnabled: false,
const {
  consensusParameters: {
    feeParameters: { gasPerByte },
} = provider.getChain();
const expectedGasPerByte = 63;

Icon Link自定义选项

正如您在上一个代码片段中看到的,您可以选择向 launchNodeAndGetWallets 方法传递 walletCount 和一些 launchNodeOptions

walletCount 选项允许您指定要生成的钱包数量。默认值为 10。

launchNodeOptions 选项允许您为节点指定一些附加选项。可用的选项包括:

 * Launches a fuel-core node.
 * @param ip - the ip to bind to. (optional, defaults to
 * @param port - the port to bind to. (optional, defaults to 4000 or the next available port)
 * @param args - additional arguments to pass to fuel-core.
 * @param fuelCorePath - the path to the fuel-core binary. (optional, defaults to 'fuel-core')
 * @param loggingEnabled - whether the node should output logs. (optional, defaults to true)
 * @param debugEnabled - whether the node should log debug messages. (optional, defaults to false)
 * @param basePath - the base path to use for the temporary folder. (optional, defaults to os.tmpdir())
 * */
Icon InfoCircle

注意:您可以通过运行 pnpm fuels core run -h 查看所有可用的 fuel-core 参数。