
Nightly /

Icon LinkQueries

Icon Linkbalance

Returns the Balance! of a specific address for a given asset id.


owner: Address!

The owner address.

assetId: AssetId!

The asset id.

Icon Linkbalances

Returns a BalanceConnection! for an array of balances for each asset owned by a given address.


filter: BalanceFilterInput!

A filter to specify the wallet owner address.

Icon Linkblock

Returns information about a certain Block . Accepts either the block id or block height as an argument.


id: BlockId

The block id.

height: U64

The block height.

Icon Linkblocks

Returns a BlockConnection! for an array of all blocks produced.

Icon Linkchain

Returns ChainInfo! about the target Fuel network used for the API.

Icon Linkcoin

Returns details about a specific Coin .


utxoId: UtxoId!

A unique 32 byte identifier for the UTXO.

Icon Linkcoins

Returns a CoinConnection! for an array of coins based on a given owner and/or asset id


filter: CoinFilterInput!

A filter with the owner address and optionally the asset id.

Icon LinkcoinsToSpend

Returns an array of spendable [[CoinType!]!]! per asset.


owner: Address

The owner address of the coins.

queryPerAsset: [SpendQueryElementInput!]!

The list of requested asset resources. Several entries with the same asset id are not allowed.

excludedIds: ExcludeInput

The resources to exclude.

Icon Linkcontract

Returns the Contract information for a given contract id.


id: ContractId!

The contract id of the requested contract.

Icon LinkcontractBalance

Returns the ContractBalance! for a given contract and asset id.


contract: ContractId!

The contract that owns the balance.

asset: AssetId!

The asset id for the balance.

Icon LinkcontractBalances

Returns a ContractBalanceConnection! for an array of balances for all assets owned by a given contract


filter: ContractBalanceFilterInput!

A filter for the contract balances.

Icon LinkestimateGasPrice

Estimates the most expensive the gas price over a given block horizon, and returns EstimateGasPrice! .


blockHorizon: U32!

The block horizon defines how many blocks in the future you are doing an estimate for.

Icon LinkestimatePredicates

Estimate the predicate gas and returns a Transaction! .


tx: HexString!

The transaction hex string.

Icon Linkhealth

Returns true if the API is running or false if the API is down.

Icon LinklatestGasPrice

Returns the LatestGasPrice! of the latest block.

Icon Linkmessage

Returns the Message for a given message nonce.


nonce: Nonce!

The message nonce.

Icon LinkmessageProof

Returns the MessageProof for a given message id or transaction.


transactionId: TransactionId!

The transaction id for the message.

nonce: Nonce

The message nonce.

commitBlockId: BlockId

The block id.

commitBlockHeight: U32

The block height.

Icon Linkmessages

Returns a MessageConnection! for an array of messages for a given owner.


owner: Address

The owner address of the messages.

Icon LinkmessageStatus

Returns the MessageStatus for a given message Nonce .


nonce: Nonce

The nonce of the message.

Icon LinknodeInfo

Returns NodeInfo! about the current node.

Icon LinkrelayedTransactionStatus

Returns RelayedTransactionStatus details for a given relayed transaction id.


id: RelayedTransactionId!

The ID for the relayed transaction.

Icon Linktransaction

Returns Transaction details for a given transaction id.


id: TransactionId!

The ID for the transaction.

Icon Linktransactions

Returns a TransactionConnection! for an array of all transactions.

Icon LinktransactionsByOwner

Returns a TransactionConnection! for an array of all transactions from a given address.


owner: Address!

The owner address of the transactions.