有关资产库基本功能的实现细节,请参阅Sway Libs 文档 。
要使用资产库,必须将 Sway Libs 和Sway 标准 添加到Forc.toml
文件中,然后导入到您的 Sway 项目中。要将 Sway Libs 作为项目的依赖项添加到Forc.toml
文件中,请参阅入门指南 。要将 Sway 标准添加为依赖项,请参阅Sway 标准书 。
要将资产库基本功能和SRC-20 标准导入到您的 Sway 智能合约中,请将以下内容添加到您的 Sway 文件中:
use sway_libs::asset::base::*;
use standards::src20::*;
SR-20 定义了 Fuel 上的任何原生资产所需的 ABI 实现如下:
abi SRC20 {
fn total_assets() -> u64;
fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64>;
fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String>;
fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String>;
fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8>;
abi 中的每个函数提供了以下补充功能:
还提供了以下 ABI 和函数来设置您的SRC-20 标准存储值:
abi SetAssetAttributes {
fn set_name(asset: AssetId, name: String);
fn set_symbol(asset: AssetId, symbol: String);
fn set_decimals(asset: AssetId, decimals: u8);
导入后,应该可以使用资产库的基本功能。为了使用它们,请确保将下面的存储块添加到您的合约中,以启用SRC-20 标准。
storage {
total_assets: u64 = 0,
total_supply: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
name: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
symbol: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
decimals: StorageMap<AssetId, u8> = StorageMap {},
要使用资产库的基本功能,只需传递预定义存储块中的 StorageKey
。下面的示例显示了在没有用户定义的限制或自定义功能的情况下,与资产库结合使用的SRC-20 标准的实现。
use sway_libs::asset::base::{_decimals, _name, _symbol, _total_assets, _total_supply};
use standards::src20::SRC20;
use std::{hash::Hash, storage::storage_string::*, string::String};
// The SRC-20 storage block
storage {
total_assets: u64 = 0,
total_supply: StorageMap<AssetId, u64> = StorageMap {},
name: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
symbol: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
decimals: StorageMap<AssetId, u8> = StorageMap {},
// Implement the SRC-20 Standard for this contract
impl SRC20 for Contract {
fn total_assets() -> u64 {
// Pass the `total_assets` StorageKey to `_total_assets()` from the Asset Library.
fn total_supply(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u64> {
// Pass the `total_supply` StorageKey to `_total_supply()` from the Asset Library.
_total_supply(storage.total_supply, asset)
fn name(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
// Pass the `name` StorageKey to `_name_()` from the Asset Library.
_name(storage.name, asset)
fn symbol(asset: AssetId) -> Option<String> {
// Pass the `symbol` StorageKey to `_symbol_()` function from the Asset Library.
_symbol(storage.symbol, asset)
fn decimals(asset: AssetId) -> Option<u8> {
// Pass the `decimals` StorageKey to `_decimals_()` function from the Asset Library.
_decimals(storage.decimals, asset)
要为资产设置一些属性,请使用资产库提供的 SetAssetAttributes
ABI。下面的示例显示了在没有用户定义的限制或自定义功能的情况下,使用 SetAssetAttributes
ABI 的实现。建议结合使用Ownership 库 和SetAssetAttributes
use sway_libs::asset::base::*;
use std::{hash::Hash, storage::storage_string::*, string::String};
storage {
name: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
symbol: StorageMap<AssetId, StorageString> = StorageMap {},
decimals: StorageMap<AssetId, u8> = StorageMap {},
impl SetAssetAttributes for Contract {
fn set_name(asset: AssetId, name: String) {
_set_name(storage.name, asset, name);
fn set_symbol(asset: AssetId, symbol: String) {
_set_symbol(storage.symbol, asset, symbol);
fn set_decimals(asset: AssetId, decimals: u8) {
_set_decimals(storage.decimals, asset, decimals);