
Icon Link字节码库


合约和断言的字节码根是二进制默克尔树 Icon Link的默克尔根,每个叶子是 16KiB 的指令。该库将计算任何合约或断言的字节码根/地址,从而允许验证部署的合约并在链上生成断言地址。

有关字节码库的实现详细信息,请参阅Sway Libs 文档 Icon Link

Icon Link导入字节码库

要使用字节码库,必须将 Sway Libs 添加到Forc.toml文件中,然后将其导入到您的 Sway 项目中。要将 Sway Libs 添加为项目的依赖项,请参阅入门

要将字节码库导入到您的 Sway 智能合约中,请将以下内容添加到您的 Sway 文件中:

use sway_libs::bytecode::*;

Icon Link在 Sway 中使用字节码库


  • compute_bytecode_root()
  • compute_bytecode_root_with_configurables()
  • compute_predicate_address()
  • compute_predicate_address_with_configurables()
  • predicate_address_from_root()
  • swap_configurables()
  • verify_contract_bytecode()
  • verify_contract_bytecode_with_configurables()
  • verify_predicate_address()
  • verify_predicate_address_with_configurables()

Icon Link已知问题

请注意,如果您从 SDK 传递字节码并包含可配置的值,则提供的Vec<u8>字节码必须被复制以使其可变。以下内容可添加以使您的字节码可变:

fn make_mutable(not_mutable_bytecode: Vec<u8>) {
    // Copy the bytecode to a newly allocated memory to avoid memory ownership error.
    let mut bytecode_slice = raw_slice::from_parts::<u8>(
        .copy_bytes_to(bytecode_slice.ptr(), not_mutable_bytecode.len());
    let mut bytecode_vec = Vec::from(bytecode_slice);
    // You may now use `bytecode_vec` in your computation and verification function calls

Icon Link基本功能

下面的示例适用于内部合约调用。如果您从 SDK 传递字节码,请遵循上述已知问题中列出的步骤,以避免内存所有权错误。

Icon Link交换可配置项


fn swap(my_bytecode: Vec<u8>, my_configurables: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>) {
    let mut my_bytecode = my_bytecode;
    let resulting_bytecode: Vec<u8> = swap_configurables(my_bytecode, my_configurables);

Icon Link合约

Icon Link计算字节码根


fn compute_bytecode(my_bytecode: Vec<u8>) {
    let root: b256 = compute_bytecode_root(my_bytecode);
fn compute_bytecode_configurables(my_bytecode: Vec<u8>, my_configurables: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>) {
    let mut my_bytecode = my_bytecode;
    let root: b256 = compute_bytecode_root_with_configurables(my_bytecode, my_configurables);

Icon Link验证合约的字节码根


fn verify_contract(my_contract: ContractId, my_bytecode: Vec<u8>) {
    verify_contract_bytecode(my_contract, my_bytecode);
    // By reaching this line the contract has been verified to match the bytecode provided.
fn verify_contract_configurables(
    my_contract: ContractId,
    my_bytecode: Vec<u8>,
    my_configurables: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>,
) {
    let mut my_bytecode = my_bytecode;
    verify_contract_bytecode_with_configurables(my_contract, my_bytecode, my_configurables);
    // By reaching this line the contract has been verified to match the bytecode provided.

Icon Link断言

Icon Link从字节码计算地址


fn compute_predicate(my_bytecode: Vec<u8>) {
    let address: Address = compute_predicate_address(my_bytecode);
fn compute_predicate_configurables(my_bytecode: Vec<u8>, my_configurables: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>) {
    let mut my_bytecode = my_bytecode;
    let address: Address = compute_predicate_address_with_configurables(my_bytecode, my_configurables);

Icon Link从根计算地址


fn predicate_address(my_root: b256) {
    let address: Address = predicate_address_from_root(my_root);

Icon Link验证地址


fn verify_predicate(my_predicate: Address, my_bytecode: Vec<u8>) {
    verify_predicate_address(my_predicate, my_bytecode);
    // By reaching this line the predicate bytecode matches the address provided.
fn verify_predicate_configurables(
    my_predicate: Address,
    my_bytecode: Vec<u8>,
    my_configurables: Vec<(u64, Vec<u8>)>,
) {
    let mut my_bytecode = my_bytecode;
    verify_predicate_address_with_configurables(my_predicate, my_bytecode, my_configurables);
    // By reaching this line the predicate bytecode matches the address provided.